Bible prophecy of book mormon

What nephis vision teaches about the bible and the book of. False prophecies in the book of mormon life after ministry. Recent research has revealed that the word stick refers to a wooden, folding writing tablet see ensign, feb. As a companion to the bible, the book of mormon is a witness of jesus christs divinity and his role as the savior of the world. How the bible and the book of mormon work together. Bible prophecies of the book of mormon scotts world. The book of mormon consistently goes beyond the bible in its teachings, but is certainly in harmony with it. I challenge you to read the book of mormon and pray about it, and you will see that it is true, just as i also have read and prayed about it and know in my heart that it is true. In the king james version of the bible, for example, only a few individuals other than christ are prophesied. Apologetics press the bible versus the book of mormon.

There are also many more scriptures in the bible and the book of mormon that talk about the birth of jesus. Jul 22, 2011 according to the mormon church, ezekiel 37. Read these 15 scriptures to bring the christmas spirit into your lives. He was rightthe old testament does not mention jesus christ by name, but it does prophesy of him with such specificity that we ought to. A comparison of book of mormon, bible, and traditional. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment. Bible scholars use tools of textual analysis to identify backdated prophecies. The curse of cain or mark mentioned in biblical scripture is never said to refer to black skin.

Due to the demand of readers in a growing digital marketplace, we are pleased to announce the release of the prophecy trilogy in e book format. The book of mormon, bible, doctrine and covenants, pearl of great price all scriptures testify of jesus who will loose the bands of physical death and spiritual death that we prisoners may go forth all who believe living and dead. Because the ancient prophets have predicted that such a book should be revealed in the latter times. Here is a way to read the book of mormon cliffs notes style. The book of mormon shall stand as a testimony against the world, ether 5. The book of mormon was written for the intent that we may believe the bible, morm. Simply put, if both the bible and the book of mormon were inspired by god, then they never would contradict each other. Today the bible and book of mormon are companion books in the hands and before the eyes of people today. Lehi, the first prophet of book of mormon, was a descendant of the tribe of joseph. Hence, this is a prophecy showing that the book of mormon is another revelation like the bible, and the two should be joined equally as evidence of gods will. When we study the book of mormon, our understanding of the doctrines in the bible is clarified. This group finally annihilated itself through internecine rivalries and revolts.

Lehi even knew the elizabethan english words that the king james version would ascribe to john the baptist 2200 years before that translation existed. The following chart captures the ten major elements of the covenant prophecy repeated throughout the book of mormon. It is written in english very similar to the early modern english linguistic style of the king james version of the bible, and has since been fully or partially translated into 111. Remember that the mormon version of god is not the god of the bible. Joseph smith, founder of the latter day saint movement, is viewed by the movements adherents as a prophet in the tradition of the ancient prophets recorded in the bible. Both books of scripture include writings of prophets and apostles about how to live by the teachings of jesus christ. The book of mormon has prophecy thats being fulfilled. Bible prophecies of the book of mormon book of mormon facts.

The book of mormon restores plain and precious truths that have been lost from the bible. Bible prophecies of book of mormon life after ministries. Mormon prophecy decoding prophetic imagery and metaphor. Id like to know who could tell us when a prophesy will be fulfilled, i mean in advance, usually people are able to acknowlege it when the prophecy is just fulfilled. Hence, this is a prophecy showing that the book of mormon is another revelation like the bible, and the two should be joined equally as evidence of gods. Does the bible reference the book of mormon answers. These connecting links demonstrate that the book of mormon supports and fulfills bible prophecy. The nephites were then of the tribes of joseph, and their record or stick is as truly represented by the book of mormon as is the stick of judah by the bible. The book of mormon is not the bible, and many christians are opposed to the book of mormon being placed beside or ahead of the bible. Indeed, virtually every prophecy in the book of mormon ties in one way or another to this overarching covenant prophecy.

Oct 11, 2017 the stick of judah is obviously the bible, since the jews are through the tribe of judah. Last days prophecies the doctrine and covenants is a collection of revelations received by modern prophets, with revelations to joseph smith, first prophet of the restoration, comprising the majority. Prophecy in the book of mormon the annotated bible. Approaches to lehis dream and nephis vision 2011 sperry symposium, ed. All bible references are to the king james version. And whereas the bible is organically linked to the earthly ministry of jesus christ by extensive surviving manuscript evidence going back as far as a. And when they had gone through and hewn down all my people save it were twenty and four of us, among whom was my son moroni and we having survived the dead of our people, did behold on the morrow, when the lamanites had returned unto their camps, from the top of the hill cumorah, the ten thousand of my people who were hewn down, being led in the. The covenant prophecy of the book of mormon scott woodward. I will show how end days prophecy is being fulfilled and and how the book of mormon and the bible work hand in hand in clarifying last days prophecy. We believe in that sacred record called the book of mormon. The book of mormon purportedly tells the story of two entirely different early american peoples. We will go to analyze the most important, but we should keep on mind that many prophecies written in the bible are not fulfilled yet, just because the time is not ripe.

Isaiah prophecies in book of mormon are relevant to the. Book of mormon, biblical prophecies about the encyclopedia of. The book of mormon has excited very little enthusiasm outside of mormonism, but it is a uniquely american piece of writing that merits wider. During his life, smith made several prophecies, many documented in the doctrine and covenants, a book of scripture in several of the movements denominations. Then he uses those same tools on the book of mormon. Mormons claim that the stick of judah is the bible that came through the jews and the stick of ephraim is the book of mormon that supposedly came through descendants of joseph in america. Latterday saints believe that the coming forth of the book of mormon as an instrument in gods hand for bringing his. In the case of each doctrine considered, it is the book of mormon and not the bible that establishes the doctrinal position of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Few people every bother to look in biblical scripture to find out if the book of mormon is mentioned. Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, for judah, and for the children of israel his companions. Since the book of mormon is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy then joseph smith is indeed a prophet of god. No wonder ezekiel prophesied that the stick of judah meaning the record of the jews, known as the bible and the stick of joseph meaning the record of josephs descendants, known as the book of mormon shall be joined into one stick or book, and they shall become one in thine hand see ezekiel 37.

Here, the prophets included are those who, according to the narrative, inherited the plates of nephi and who otherwise are called. A common appeal from mormon friends and acquaintances is this. This is revelation prophecy of the saviors mission and power to save us. Religious studies center, brigham young university. According to verse 8, what did the lord say was his purpose for revealing scripture in addition to the bible. Orson pratt, great salt lake city, january 7, 1855. Instead of being mutually exclusive contradictions, the bible and the book of mormon are actually corroborative witnesses for the same divine cause the cause of christ.

Jul 06, 2011 the bible came first, not the book of mormon. The book of mormon another testament of jesus christ one stick for judah which is the bible and for joseph one stick of ephriam which is the book of mormon shall be one in the hand of the lord. Ive included this under the joseph smith and the book of mormon references because the two go hand in hand. Jesus said that john the baptist was the greatest prophet, but lehi proves him wrong by prophesying the details of jesus life, death, and resurrection 600 years before he was born. Mar 08, 2017 all told, the book of mormon mentions prophets or prophecy over 350 times. The first is the jaredites, who came after the dispersion from the tower of babel under the leadership of jared and his brother ether 2. The book of mormon is divided into smaller books, titled after the individuals named as primary authors and, in most versions, divided into chapters and verses. Due to the demand of readers in a growing digital marketplace, we are pleased to announce the release of the prophecy trilogy in ebook format. Heres a look at what the bible says about the book of mormon. Finding the book of mormon in biblical prophecy is a simple enough task, if one takes the time to look for it. But when we read the book of mormon we see more answers to the question which is where did the ten tribes of israel go before and after the destruction of the first temple built in israel. Contradictions between the book of mormon and the bible.

Mormon prophecy decoding prophetic imagery and metaphor in. They speak out incisively on such topics as the prophecy of ezekiel 37, internal and external evidences of the divine origin of the book of mormon, literary style in the book of mormon, ancient temples and the book of mormon, and the book of mormon s teachings for the last days. There is no room for the book of mormon in ezek 37. In fact, god restored his ancient church because we are in the end times right now. Rfm points out several examples in isaiah, daniel and the new testament. Ezekiel saw in vision the coming together of the stick of judah, and the stick of joseph, signifying the bible and the book of mormon. For more than a century, members of the church have taught that these two sticks represent the bible the stick of judah and the book of mormon the stick of joseph or ephraim. The stick of joseph referred to is the book of mormon. Members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints, like many people around the world, find comfort and inspiration. Bible references about lds beliefs and mormon history.

Over the years, the many prophets in the book of mormon served in many different prophetic roles. During the christmas season we read from the bible about the birth of jesus christ in luke 2. If end times means the prophesied events that will occur preceding the second coming of jesus christ and the inauguration of his millennial reign on the earth, yes indeed, mormons believe in the end times. When we read the bible we see no direct mention of the book of mormon. The book of mormon is a true volume of scripture, prophesied in the bible, and brought forth by god. Jews for judaism does bible prophesy book of mormon. Jul 25, 2015 why we should not pray about the book of mormon. Volume i, and the moon shall turn to blood, volume ii, and the earth shall reel to a. These books, known as the book of mormon and pearl of great price published by the church of jesus christ of latterday saints are racist as the list of verses below show. The book of mormon is a sacred text of the latter day saint movement, which, according to adherents, contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the. Clearly, this book has a lot to say about prophets and revelation. On the other hand, the book of mormon easily is exposed as fiction when compared to and contrasted with the bible, which mormons claim is the word of god. Why we should not pray about the book of mormon tom schmidt. One of the great missionary books of the mormon church is a marvelous work and a wonder, by the late apostle, legrand richards.

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